Hello, fellow cannabis supporters!
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted, and I wanted to take a moment to reconnect with you all. Life has been hectic recently, as a close family member received a devastating diagnosis. I was fortunate enough to visit them, which took me on a trip to the Netherlands. While the circumstances of my visit were heavy, I was grateful for the opportunity to experience a new culture and learn a bit about cannabis practices overseas.
You might be surprised to hear that cannabis is technically illegal in the Netherlands. However, they have a “tolerance” policy that allows small amounts of cannabis to be sold and consumed, freeing up law enforcement resources for other priorities. One of the most fascinating aspects of their cannabis culture is the accessibility of “coffeeshops.” Anyone over the age of 18 can purchase cannabis at these establishments, but there are some unique differences compared to what we’re used to in Oklahoma. For instance, pre-rolled joints in the Netherlands often contain tobacco mixed with cannabis. If you’re looking for pure cannabis, you’d need to specifically request it. The selection in Dutch coffeeshops is intentionally limited to serve local communities and discourage large cannabis corporations from taking over—a stark contrast to the wide variety of products available in many U.S. dispensaries.
On another note, I’m excited to share updates about my book, Medical Cannabis: Preparing for Oklahoma’s Dispensaries. I’m currently waiting for the final proof to arrive, and once I’ve approved the cover and binding, the book will officially be ready for online sales! This project has been a labor of love, and I can’t wait to get it into your hands. In the meantime, life continues to be busy, so I’ll post educational content as often as I can. Your input would mean the world to me—I’d love to hear what topics you’d like me to cover in future posts.
If you’re as excited about cannabis education as I am, I encourage you to engage with this post. Let me know what you’re curious about, and don’t forget to pre-order my book! Together, we can continue to build a well-informed and supportive cannabis community. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, merry christmas!